Rock Dandy

La Maison de l'Ours

in Nymfaio

Rock Dandy amenities

Welcome to Rock Dandy

La Maison de l’Ours !

Get ready for a whimsical escape where French-speaking bears pop up just for giggles!
Rock Dandy in Nymfaio is a three-story house of 105 sq.m., elegant, with all the amenities that each visitor can expect to feel as comfortable as at home. It is located in the enchanting Nymfaio of Florina, which is considered one – if not the first – of the most beautiful winter villages in Europe. The feeling of coziness, of the warmth that you are welcome, is pervasive. “Welcome to your home”! Why settle for ordinary when you can have this delightful twist? Step inside and experience the charm and surprises that await you! 🪄 Can’t wait for you to explore the magic!

My full name is Rock Dandy, a dog with a name and a surname.

Rock because I am the spitting image of my mother. I think like she does.

Revolutionary and different.

Dandy because I am beautiful and nature lover like my dad. I am gonna be your ”man” but in a dog’s shape!

I will accommodate you in my house.

I will make anything possible and try to keep you satisfied and happy.

Enjoy your staying.

Rock Dandy